About Kyle Du Preez

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So far Kyle Du Preez has created 38 blog entries.

Health Spending Accounts – Are You Considered an Employee?

Due to how expensive and limited Individual Health and Dental Plans are, many of my incorporated business owner clients choose to implement a Health Spending Account. This allows them to run their medical expenses through their corporation and deduct those qualifying medical expenses. This is much more tax-effective than paying for medical expenses [...]

Health Spending Accounts – Are You Considered an Employee?2021-03-29T15:05:32+00:00

A smart way to invest

The investment world is rapidly changing – for the better in my opinion. One way this is changing is that people are recognizing how much they are now paying in fees. Mutual Funds and Segregated Funds are extremely expensive and most managed funds rarely beat the market – especially when you take in consideration [...]

A smart way to invest2018-02-14T14:55:23+00:00
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