Can a History of Mental Health Issues Affect Your Life Insurance Application?

Mental illness affects 1 in 5 Canadians in their lifetime1.  Recently, a Canadian Mental Health Association poll indicated that 24 percent of respondents have sought help for mental health challenges (that is 1 in 4 Canadians), this is up compared to polls completed over the past two years 2.  So, it is no surprise [...]

Can a History of Mental Health Issues Affect Your Life Insurance Application?2022-02-24T21:37:07+00:00

Treat Your Mind Like a Garden

It’s amazing how COVID-19 has impacted the way we think and feel.  I have always believed that you need to treat your mind like a garden.  Imagine moving into a new home, and this home has a beautiful garden in the backyard.  The previous owner took great care of their garden. They [...]

Treat Your Mind Like a Garden2020-04-20T21:01:17+00:00

How COVID-19 Affects Insurance Policies

We have been receiving numerous calls asking how COVID-19 has impacted existing insurance policies and if there is any sort of financial relief available within their plans. To get the message out, we partnered with Barry Choi, a Toronto-based personal finance and travel expert who frequently makes media appearances. His blog Money We Have is one of [...]

How COVID-19 Affects Insurance Policies2020-04-20T14:29:18+00:00

Why am I an Insurance Broker?

  Being an insurance broker has nothing to do with how much you sell, it’s all about how much you care. The reward is knowing that you made a difference in helping people recover from the unexpected. This is why I always help, even at times when there is no compensation in return. A good [...]

Why am I an Insurance Broker?2016-05-03T16:06:40+00:00
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