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So far Kyle Du Preez has created 38 blog entries.

The Death of Long-Term Care

Unless you are an insurance broker, you likely never heard of long-term care insurance.   This is unfortunate as it provides a solution to a significant concern for most retirees – outliving your money. RBC discontinued individual long-term care sales in 2012 (still available for conversion on their Disability and Critical Illness products).  Manulife terminated [...]

The Death of Long-Term Care2018-02-08T21:02:02+00:00

A Referral You Can Trust

A couple weeks ago, one of my clients asked if it was ok to pass along my name to a close family friend who needed help with their insurance.  They were very relieved when I said yes.  A referral doesn’t just help me build my practice, it also helps someone ensure that their friend, [...]

A Referral You Can Trust2018-03-06T15:49:48+00:00

The Most Important Policy Most People Don’t Have

You know you need insurance to help protect you from the unexpected.  You carry auto insurance because you acknowledge the possibility of an accident, theft, or vandalism.  You carry homeowner's insurance because you know a fire or burglary could happen to anyone.  You probably have life insurance because you know that if the worst [...]

The Most Important Policy Most People Don’t Have2017-12-04T20:01:55+00:00

Choosing Your Life Insurance Policy Beneficiaries: Making Sure All Your Loved Ones Are Covered

Choosing the beneficiaries for your life insurance policy is one of the most important decisions you will make. Life insurance is, after all, meant to protect your family and loved ones. While your immediate family may seem to be the obvious choice as your life insurance beneficiary, there may be other people and organizations which rely [...]

Choosing Your Life Insurance Policy Beneficiaries: Making Sure All Your Loved Ones Are Covered2017-12-04T20:02:15+00:00

The Importance of Disability Insurance

Many insurance advisors have not actively discussed disability insurance with their clients. While most brokers have the ability to sell, most do not due to the complex nature of the product.  What this means is that many insurance advisors typically focus on the life insurance – and sometimes, try to encourage their clients to purchase the [...]

The Importance of Disability Insurance2017-11-03T15:13:42+00:00

Disclosing your smoking history

Many people don't disclose their smoking habits... but they should. By answering this question incorrectly, you are jeopardizing your policy. Do you really want to put yourself or your family in a position where a policy may not pay out since you decided not to be truthful at time of application? Deliberately stating that [...]

Disclosing your smoking history2017-11-03T15:07:44+00:00

Don’t Let A Temporary Disability Ruin Your Life

Most of us believe that only an unlucky few fall prey to disabilities that force them to take significant time away from their job. But the reality is very different. Did you know that approximately one in three working-age Canadians will become disabled and unable to work before they turn 65? If you suddenly [...]

Don’t Let A Temporary Disability Ruin Your Life2017-11-03T15:15:35+00:00

Syndnicate mortgages and my opinion about them

There has been a lot of talk lately with Syndicate Mortgages and thought I would share my own opinion on these. I have been approached and asked by one of these syndicate mortgage companies to incorporate this type of investment into my practice and promote to my clients. After carefully reviewing the contract and [...]

Syndnicate mortgages and my opinion about them2017-11-03T15:16:24+00:00

The Hidden Risk of Simplified Insurance

We live in a time where people want what they purchase right away. Simplified insurance can help many obtain insurance without going through all the work to get it. That said – simplified insurance doesn’t give the client the same peace of mind as a fully underwritten policy. Personally, I am not a fan [...]

The Hidden Risk of Simplified Insurance2017-11-03T15:17:05+00:00
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