Who Offers the Best Life Insurance?

Who Offers the Best Life Insurance? How to Find the Right Term Life Policy for You If you're shopping for the best life insurance in Toronto, you’ve probably realized that there’s no shortage of options. With so many companies offering term life policies, how do you know which one is the best fit for [...]

Who Offers the Best Life Insurance?2025-03-23T22:28:11+00:00

Why Lawyers Need Specialized Life Insurance Coverage

Why Lawyers Need Specialized Life Insurance Coverage Lawyers understand the importance of precise contractual wording, and when it comes to insurance, they want nothing less than the best. As legal professionals, they face unique financial and career-related challenges, making it essential to have specialized insurance solutions. In this article, we'll explore why lawyers need [...]

Why Lawyers Need Specialized Life Insurance Coverage2024-08-16T03:14:16+00:00

Dear Jeff…

My partner and I are in our early thirties, and we have kids.  We’re thinking about getting Term 30 life insurance for $1 million.  A broker from one insurance company provided us with a quote of $190 per month for separate policies, is this a good price? You may need $1 millon right now, but do [...]

Dear Jeff…2020-09-22T14:04:53+00:00

Comparing Apples to Apples: What type of Term Life Insurance policy does my family have?  No, not all policies are equal…

I know that many brokers simply sell the cheapest term life insurance product available in the market.  I do not always agree with that approach and wanted to share with you an alternative solution which you may find valuable, it’s called the Manulife Vitality Program.  I will start by saying this program is geared [...]

Comparing Apples to Apples: What type of Term Life Insurance policy does my family have?  No, not all policies are equal…2020-05-20T14:56:35+00:00

Beware of door-to-door sales

The fact of the matter is that many door-to-door sales reps are very poorly trained in both sales and the actual product they are offering. Most have one goal – to sell you the product they are pushing at your door and their training is based around how to make that sale. Being a [...]

Beware of door-to-door sales2017-11-03T15:22:37+00:00

Income Protection – Realtors

Is your income dependent on your ability to generate new listings and sales? Could you afford the consequences of not having your income protected? Click to download our FREE Income Protection FAQ for Realtors to help you decide if income protection makes sense for you.   Feel free to reach out to me personally and [...]

Income Protection – Realtors2017-11-03T15:24:33+00:00

Protect Yourself With Disability Insurance!

When it comes to selecting the insurance policies you need to protect yourself and your family from unforeseen events, you have probably covered all of the basics. Auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, life insurance. Many people never look beyond these main three. There is one particular policy, however, that is often overlooked and that could prevent you from [...]

Protect Yourself With Disability Insurance!2017-11-03T15:25:42+00:00

Don’t Take Chances With Your Future

Despite the sobering fact that one in three working-age Canadians will become disabled and unable to work before they turn 65, a shocking percentage of the population doesn't bother with disability insurance.  And even those who do purchase disability insurance often settle for only a short term policy or simplified coverage through their mortgage insurance. [...]

Don’t Take Chances With Your Future2016-08-02T11:53:59+00:00

Why You Can’t Afford Not To Have Life Insurance

Insurance agents hear the same story over and over again: I know I need life insurance; I just can't afford the premiums.  The trouble is that those who feel they can't afford to have life insurance are likely the people who need it the most.  Here are a few of the reasons why the argument [...]

Why You Can’t Afford Not To Have Life Insurance2016-05-12T14:04:22+00:00

Why You MAY NEVER NEED Disability Insurance…

Recently, I was working with a physician who told me that she did not feel that she needed to protect her income from disability. “Interesting” I said, and asked her to provide me with her reasoning. Her response was “I don’t believe that I am at risk to become disabled, I am young and healthy [...]

Why You MAY NEVER NEED Disability Insurance…2016-03-03T17:22:46+00:00
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