Don’t Take Chances With Your Future

Despite the sobering fact that one in three working-age Canadians will become disabled and unable to work before they turn 65, a shocking percentage of the population doesn’t bother with disability insurance.  And even those who do purchase disability insurance often settle for only a short term policy or simplified coverage through their mortgage insurance.

Perhaps this explains why half of all foreclosures and an extremely high number of bankruptcies are due to disability.

That’s why I am an insurance broker who specializes in making sure my clients are protected in the event of a catastrophic injury or illness.  You can learn more about my services at  What’s the best way to ensure that you have a safe harbor in the event of a debilitating crisis?  A long term disability insurance policy.

Of course it’s important that you have a quality policy.  Many long term disability carriers pay reliably and quickly, but others take their time-too much time, in my opinion-in evaluating whether your particular disability qualifies under their terms.  And some policies have so many loopholes that a ridiculous number of legitimately disabled individuals can easily find themselves labeled “capable of working.”  While many may have disability coverage under their group benefit plan, most have not taken the time to understand how they are actually covered.  It is not uncommon for a group disability plan to provide less coverage than one may believe they have.

That’s where my expertise comes into play.  I have the knowledge and experience to guide my clients only to carriers and policies they can truly rely on.  So give me a call today at 289-455-1492 or contact me at and let’s set up an appointment at your earliest convenience.


By Jeff Romansky

CHS, CPCA Principal, SecurePlan Insurance Solutions

Jeff started his insurance career in 2006 by helping hundreds of insurance advisors grow their business by providing them with comprehensive advice, consultation and training.  After nine successful years, he decided to take his knowledge and start his own practice to ensure his clients are getting the best advice.  His office is based in Grimsby, ON and serves clients throughout Southwestern Ontario and the GTA.

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